Airplane Jargon

  1. 1. - The rotation of an aircraft about its vertical axis, controlled by the rudder.
  2. 4. - The area where the pilot and crew operate the airplane.
  3. 7. Stabilizer - The upright fin at the tail of the aircraft that helps control yaw.
  4. 9. - The rotation of an aircraft about its lateral axis, controlled by the elevator.
  5. 10. - A movable vertical surface at the tail that controls the aircraft's yaw.
  6. 12. - These move in opposite directions on the wings to control the aircraft's roll.
  7. 13. - A movable horizontal surface at the tail of the aircraft that controls its pitch.
  8. 16. - The central body of the airplane that houses the crew, passengers, and cargo.
  9. 17. - These are raised on the wings to reduce lift and increase descent rate.
  1. 2. - A small, vertical extension at the wingtip that reduces drag and improves efficiency.
  2. 3. - The rotation of an aircraft about its longitudinal axis, controlled by ailerons.
  3. 5. - The forward force produced by an aircraft's engines.
  4. 6. - The tail section of the aircraft, consisting of the horizontal stabilizer and vertical fin.
  5. 8. - The resistance encountered by an aircraft as it moves through the air.
  6. 11. - These are movable surfaces on the wings that help control the aircraft's roll and descent.
  7. 14. - The force that opposes gravity and keeps an aircraft airborne.
  8. 15. - Movable aerodynamic surfaces on the leading edge of the wings to improve lift during takeoff and landing.