AJ Cook

  1. 2. AJ's hair color in Bringing Ashley Home
  2. 4. AJ's nickname that only her closest friends and family call her
  3. 6. The name of AJ's dog
  4. 7. The state where AJ attended college
  5. 9. AJ claims she "lives" there
  6. 10. The word AJ hates the most
  7. 11. AJ's youngest son's name
  8. 12. AJ's sister's name
  1. 1. AJ's oldest son's name
  2. 3. The town where AJ grew up in
  3. 5. AJ taught this when she was younger
  4. 8. The first name of AJ's character in Criminal Minds
  5. 12. The month AJ married Nathan Andersen