Aleesha' s Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. measures small changes in magnetic fields
  2. 4. a theory that earth's outer layer is made up of plates that move around the surface relative to each other
  3. 9. the motion exerted by a cold, dense plate sinking into the mantle at trenches
  4. 10. a change in Earth's magnetic field
  5. 11. when one plate is forced under the other
  6. 12. a tectonic boundary where two plate are moving toward each other
  7. 13. a steep lowland between several mountain ranges
  1. 1. the study of the magnetic record in rocks
  2. 2. a supercontinent that included almost all landmasses on Earth
  3. 5. a mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonics
  4. 6. a line that connects points on a line that have the same age
  5. 7. a new ocean crust is formed at ocean ridges and destroyed at deep-sea trenches
  6. 8. the movement of earth's continents relating to each other