
  1. 3. very powerful country
  2. 4. wars:attack weapons
  3. 8. assured destruction:the agreement not to nuke eachother
  4. 9. race:the race to get to space between countries
  5. 14. tension
  6. 16. talking about the economy in russia
  1. 1. program in russia
  2. 2. arrow:a town in oklohoma
  3. 5. race:a race between countries for weapons
  4. 6. people i one area
  5. 7. political party
  6. 10. Charlie:a passage in berlin
  7. 11. call linea for specific things
  8. 12. push away
  9. 13. curtain:the wall between other countries
  10. 15. shelter:a shelter for bombs