- 3. Our church
- 6. Parish where our new apartment is
- 8. A favourite restaurant
- 10. Alex: East or West?
- 12. Country we visited in August 2022
- 13. Where we our going on honeymoon
- 14. Alex’s middle names
- 17. Where we both did our A-levels
- 20. Our favourite hot drink
- 23. The gem in the middle of Becca’s ring
- 25. Our favourite food
- 26. Youth group where we met
- 27. Month he proposed
- 1. The number of years we’ve known each other (multiple of 10)
- 2. Name of Becca’s car
- 4. Becca: East or west?
- 5. Bible passage read in the ceremony
- 7. Favourite meal to go out for
- 9. Favourite flowers
- 11. Name of company Alex works for
- 13. Becca’s favourite animal
- 15. Location of our first proper date
- 16. Becca’s middle names
- 18. Name of our new apartment
- 19. Where he popped the question
- 21. Name of best man
- 22. Name of marquee company
- 24. Name of Maid of Honour