Alex Black: Project 2

  1. 1. Angel's power
  2. 4. Where Nudge went to try and find her parents
  3. 8. the flock were raised in _____ at the "school"
  4. 11. Where the "school" is
  5. 13. Gasman is _____ years old
  6. 14. The first and last name of the caretaker who went missing
  7. 17. Max has to ___ more than other people to have energy to fly
  8. 18. The place where Fang and Nudge hid while Max flew down to help Ella
  9. 20. Where Angel is taken after being captured
  10. 22. The kind of cookies Ella's mom gave Max
  11. 23. the loud and annoying thing that Iggy attached to the bomb for a timer
  1. 2. Max's favorite drink
  2. 3. What Fang and Nudge found where they hid
  3. 5. The food Iggy made for the flock near the beginning
  4. 6. Japanese-style comic-like books, such as this one.
  5. 7. what Max found in her arm
  6. 9. Max didn't want Iggy to go get Angel back because he's _____
  7. 10. What each of the main characters have
  8. 12. Dr. Martinez is a ___
  9. 13. The name of the wolf-like people who captured Angel
  10. 15. The character who was captured
  11. 16. The character created with a purpose
  12. 19. The name of the person who Max flew down to help
  13. 21. Max does not like the smell of _____
  14. 24. What Max has that are bigger, allowing her to fly