Alex & Sam Sip & Slove

  1. 4. Name of Matron of honor
  2. 8. Brides middle name
  3. 11. Years couple has been together
  4. 12. University Bride and Groom attended
  5. 13. Occupation of Bride
  6. 15. Month of Bride's birthday
  7. 18. Name of Groom's brother
  8. 19. Name of Groom's dog
  9. 20. Month of Groom's birthday
  10. 21. Groom's favorite desert
  11. 23. Bride's favorite desert
  12. 25. Number of National Football Championships Bride & Groom's University won while couple was at school
  13. 26. Groom's Home town
  14. 28. Bride's Home town
  1. 1. Color of bride's eyes
  2. 2. Honeymoon destination
  3. 3. Occupation of Groom
  4. 5. Name of Best man
  5. 6. Restaurant couple went to on first date
  6. 7. Grooms middle name
  7. 9. Number of letters in Groom's last name
  8. 10. Color of groom's eyes
  9. 14. Where the Groom proposed
  10. 16. Highest achievement Groom made while in the boy scouts
  11. 17. Name of Bride's brother
  12. 22. Where did the couple meet
  13. 24. Name of Bride's dog
  14. 27. Name of town bride first worked in out of school