
  1. 2. the change of food into new substance
  2. 3. small part of kidney that filters blood
  3. 5. exit tube
  4. 7. organ that filters blood
  5. 9. space in chest
  6. 10. tiny ari sacs in lungs
  7. 12. liquid waste
  8. 13. tubes that connect the bladder and kidneys
  9. 14. musceles push food through the digestive system
  10. 15. cleans toxins from the blood makes bile
  1. 1. uses o2 to break apart glucose
  2. 3. bladder stores the bile
  3. 4. system organsthat food down into nutrients
  4. 6. digeston food broken into samller pieces
  5. 8. substance that provides nourishment for body functions
  6. 11. system brings o2 removes co2
  7. 13. system regulates liquid in the blood