Alexander Graham Bell

  1. 3. His mother's name
  2. 4. His wife's name
  3. 5. This invention is what made him famous!
  4. 8. This was where he was born
  5. 10. This is what his wife and mother were
  6. 11. The month he died in
  7. 12. An electrical designer he had hired to be his assistant
  1. 1. At this age, he created his first invention
  2. 2. The number of patents he had received
  3. 5. His two brothers died from this disease/illness
  4. 6. Where his dead body was buried
  5. 7. His cause of death was because of this
  6. 9. He continued his experiments with electricity and sound based on the work of this person
  7. 13. The month he was born