Alg 1 V1a

  1. 5. numbers counting numbers, excluding zero
  2. 9. the set of counting numbers, their opposites, and zero
  3. 10. a set of numbers under a given operation if the result of the operation on any two numbers in the set is also in the set
  4. 12. to undo
  5. 13. to perform all indicated operations
  6. 14. a symbol used to represent a quantity that can change
  7. 16. a numeric or algbebraic phrase
  8. 18. of a power the number in a power that is used as a factor
  9. 22. numbers a member of the set of natural numbers and zero
  10. 24. event an event whose outcome cannot be predicted
  11. 25. numbers every point on the number line
  12. 29. the number that indicates how many times the base in a power is used as a factor
  13. 34. the measurement of the amount of space inside a solid 3D figure
  14. 35. an example that proves that a conjecture or statement is false
  15. 38. set a set with an unlimited number of elements
  16. 41. numbers a real number that cannot be written as a ratio of integers
  17. 43. numbers a number that can be written as a ratio where both numerator and denominator are integers and the denominator does not equal zero
  18. 44. subbing numbers in for the variable to simplify an expression
  19. 45. a collection of elements
  20. 46. form to be reduced
  21. 47. describes how likely an event is to occur
  22. 49. a mathematical process
  23. 50. a model of an experiment
  24. 51. set a set with a fixed number of elements
  25. 52. a measurement of one based on a given amount
  26. 53. set a set with no elements
  1. 1. a possible result of a probabiliyt experiment
  2. 2. parts that are added together in an expression or equation
  3. 3. answer to a multiplication problem
  4. 4. Diagram shows the relationship among overlapping sets
  5. 5. expression an expression that contains only numbers and operations
  6. 6. inverse the opposite of a number
  7. 7. any of the numerals from 0 to 9
  8. 8. distance along the outer edge of an object
  9. 10. a value that does not change
  10. 11. an outcome or set of outcomes in a probability experiment
  11. 15. answer to a subtraction problem
  12. 17. value the distance between a number and zero
  13. 19. furthest in; closest to the center
  14. 20. of magnitude the power of 10 nearest the quantity
  15. 21. a number or expression that is multipled by another number or expression to get a product
  16. 23. multiplication multiplying by the same number an amount of times
  17. 26. the number that is the same distance from zero on reflecting sides of the origin
  18. 27. a number multiplied by a variable
  19. 28. probability the ratio of the number of times an event occurs to the number of trials that an activity is performed
  20. 30. answer to an addition problem
  21. 31. relating to or denoting a system of numbers based on the number ten.
  22. 32. of sets the set that contains all elements from one to also belong to another set
  23. 33. answer to a division problem
  24. 36. the set of all elements that are in either set
  25. 37. 1/4 of an amount
  26. 39. a measurement that covers one side of an object
  27. 40. a rational, numerical quantity that is not a whole number but instead part of a whole number
  28. 42. expression an expression that contains at least one variable
  29. 48. an even distribution