
  1. 4. The result of a division problem.
  2. 7. A set of multiple equations (usually 2) that use the same variables. The solution of these equations is where they intersect on a coordinate plane.
  3. 8. Zero/ Root/ Solution) Where the graph crosses through the x-axis or where y = 0.
  4. 10. A straight up and down line
  5. 11. The variable that’s value depends on the independent variable (usually the y variable).
  6. 13. that travel alongside each other and never intersect. (Parallel lines have the same slope)
  7. 16. Relationship between 2 variables (usually x and y) where when one increases the other decreases. (Uses the formula y = k/x)
  8. 20. Relationship between 2 variables (usually x and y) where when one increases the other increases as well. (Uses the formula y = kx)
  9. 22. that intersect each other at a 90o angle (Perpendicular lines have slope that are opposite reciprocals)
  10. 24. Sequence A list of numbers that have a common difference.
  11. 25. The result of an addition problem
  12. 26. In the form (x, y) where x gives the horizontal distance and y gives the vertical distance from the center of the coordinate plane
  13. 27. (AKA Rate of Change) The ‘steepness’ of a line. Represented as the letter ‘m’ in the equation y = mx + b. Found by dividing the change of y by change of x.
  14. 28. The lone number without a variable
  15. 29. The smallest value on a parabola that opens up.
  16. 31. Two numbers that have opposite signs and are flipped fractions
  17. 33. Terms that when multiplied together result in the original term.
  18. 34. that starts small and grows quickly (or starts big and decreases quickly) based off of the parent function y =2x
  19. 36. The result of a subtraction problem.
  20. 38. The equation of a line that goes through a set of points.
  21. 42. A ‘U’ shaped graph
  22. 43. A straight left and right line
  23. 44. The vertical axis of the coordinate plane
  24. 45. A lack of a pattern found in a scatterplot in which the plotted points are scattered randomly.
  1. 1. The 4 zones that the coordinate plane is divided into.Quadrant I(+x, +y), Quadrant II(-x, +y),Quadrant III (-x, -y),and Quadrant IV(+x, and –y).
  2. 2. The point on a parabola where the graph changes from increasing to decreasing (or vice versa).
  3. 3. Correlation A pattern found in a scatterplot in which the plotted points are increasing.
  4. 5. in the shape of a ‘U’ based off of the parent function y = x^2
  5. 6. The ‘letter’ within an equation that stands for a particular value
  6. 9. Grid comprised of 4 quadrants in which coordinate points are plotted
  7. 12. A pattern found in a scatterplot in which the plotted points are decreasing.
  8. 14. The greatest value on a parabola that opens down.
  9. 15. The variable that’s value doesn’t depend on another variable (usually the x variable).
  10. 17. The number in front of the variable.
  11. 18. Multiplying 2 groups of expressions together
  12. 19. A set of data where no x values repeat
  13. 21. The line that would divide a parabola into 2 equal parts down the center.
  14. 23. The center of the coordinate plane, (0, 0).
  15. 30. Sequence A list of numbers that have a common ratio.
  16. 32. in the shape of a straight line based off of the parent function y = x
  17. 35. Where the graph crosses through the y-axis or where x = 0.
  18. 37. The collection of all y values.
  19. 39. The result of a multiplication problem.
  20. 40. The collection of all x values.
  21. 41. The horizontal axis of the coordinate plane