Algebra II

  1. 3. The square root sign
  2. 6. A polynomial with exactly two terms
  3. 8. A point in a finite set of connected points called a network
  4. 9. A monomial or a sum of terms that are monomials
  5. 10. A line that has an undefined slope
  6. 12. The number that shows how many times a number is multiplied by itself
  7. 14. The number of times that a factor is repeated in the factorization of a polynomial expression
  8. 17. Rise over run, rise/run
  9. 19. A method of division of a polynomial by a binomial in which only coefficients are used
  10. 21. A monomial with no variable
  11. 23. A number whose decimal part does not terminate or repeat
  12. 26. The process that allows a sum to be written as a product
  13. 27. The property in which you multiply two polynomials
  14. 28. Functions that are mirror images of each other around the y=x line of symmetry
  15. 29. For a complex number a+bi, b is the imaginary part
  16. 30. The ___ of a complex number a+bi is a-bi
  17. 33. An expression that can be written as a fraction
  18. 34. An expression of the form ax^2+bx+c
  19. 35. Any number that can be written as a+bi
  20. 36. A numeral, variable, or product of a numeral and one or more variable
  1. 1. The thing you plot points on
  2. 2. Two binomials when multiplied make a quadratic
  3. 4. Two lines that have the same slope
  4. 5. To reduce to the lowest form
  5. 7. Part of an algebraic expression separated by addition or subtraction sign
  6. 9. Two lines whose slopes are negative reciprocals of one another
  7. 11. Any rational or irrational number
  8. 13. The ___ of a quadratic equation is b^2-4ac
  9. 15. Where two lines cross
  10. 16. An equation whose graph is a line
  11. 17. A value that can replace a variable that makes an equation or an inequality true
  12. 18. A line with a slope of 0
  13. 20. A point on a graph
  14. 21. A numerical factor of a monomial
  15. 22. A number that can not be factored
  16. 23. The point where a line crosses or touches an axis
  17. 24. A polynomial with exactly three terms
  18. 25. A thing on a graph that is straight or curved
  19. 31. A statement of equality between two expressions that may be true or false
  20. 32. A relation in which, for each first coordinate, there is exactly one corresponding second coordinate