Algebra II Crossword

  1. 2. Value, The distance from zero on a number line.
  2. 4. of Symmetry, the line divides a figure into two parts that are mirror images.
  3. 7. The multiplicative inverse of any non-zero number.
  4. 9. function, f(x)= a^2 + bx + c
  5. 11. Solution, A solution derived from an original equation, but it is not a solution of the original equation.
  6. 13. System, a system of linear equations that has no solution.
  7. 15. a set of ordered pairs that can be graphed.
  8. 21. form, y-y₁ = m(x-x₁)
  9. 22. the set of all outputs, or y-coordinates, of the ordered pairs.
  10. 23. determines the number of real roots that the quadratic equation has.
  11. 24. the point where the function reaches a maximum or a minimum.
  12. 25. form, Ax + By = C
  1. 1. formula, x=(-b±√(b²-4ac))/(2a)
  2. 3. of Equations, two or more equations using the same variables.
  3. 5. the set of all inputs, or x-coordinates, of the ordered pairs.
  4. 6. form, y = mx + b
  5. 8. System, a system of linear equations that has a unique solution.
  6. 10. the additive inverse of a number.
  7. 12. the ratio of the vertical change to a corresponding horizontal change.
  8. 14. System, a system of linear equations that has an infinite number of solutions.
  9. 16. function, a function that can be written in the standard form f(x) = ax^2+bx+c, where a is not equal to 0.
  10. 17. The numerical factor in a term.
  11. 18. Line Test, a test used to determine if a relation is a function.
  12. 19. a relation in which each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element of the range.
  13. 20. the graph of a quadratic function.