Algebra II

  1. 2. a mathematical relationship between two values
  2. 7. equation, graph, or data that can be modeled by a degree 2 polynomial
  3. 11. a sum of terms that are monomials
  4. 12. a term or expression with no variables
  5. 13. any rational or irrational number
  6. 15. lines that have the same slope value
  7. 17. The opposite of something
  8. 19. so related as to be interchangeable in the enunciation of certain properties
  9. 20. any of the magnitudes that serve to define the position of a point on a line
  10. 25. lines that intersect at right angles to each other
  11. 26. the number that indicates no quantity, size, or magnitude; a root
  12. 28. reveals what type of roots an equation has
  13. 33. the number used to determine the steepness of a line
  14. 35. The picture obtained by plotting all the points of an equation or inequality
  15. 36. a symbol or number placed above and after another symbol or number to denote the power to which the latter is to be raised
  16. 37. the set of elements that two or more sets have in common
  17. 39. a short cut for polynomials
  18. 40. Parts of an expression or series separated by + or – signs
  1. 1. a variable with a degree of 3
  2. 3. polynomial with three terms
  3. 4. a numeral variable or product of a numeral and one or more variables
  4. 5. finding what to multiply to get an expression
  5. 6. a synonym for zeros or xintercepts
  6. 8. A mathematical sentence built from expressions using one or more equal signs
  7. 9. to express as a product of two or more quantities of like kind
  8. 10. A line with a slope of zero
  9. 14. To multiply out the parts of an expression
  10. 16. A description of any graph or data that can be modeled by a linear polynomial
  11. 18. where the edges of two solid figures meet
  12. 21. a polynomial with two terms
  13. 22. a line that has an undefined slope
  14. 23. the number of times that a factor is repeated in the factorization of a polynomial expression
  15. 24. The symbol, which is used to indicate square roots or nth roots
  16. 27. the distance from the origin to the point at which a curve or line intersects an axis.
  17. 29. a complex number having its real part equal to zero
  18. 30. find the answer to a problem
  19. 31. a number that cant be written as a fraction
  20. 32. real numbers and imaginary numbers
  21. 34. numerical factor of a monomial
  22. 38. a number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers where the denominator is not equal to zero or written as a fraction
  23. 39. to reduce the numerator and denominator in a fraction to the smallest numbers possible