Algebra One Puzzle

  1. 3. a monomial or a sum or difference of monomials
  2. 4. of Change A ratio that compares the amount of change in a dependent variable to the amount of change in an independent variable.
  3. 6. the signed vertical distance between a data point and a line of fit
  4. 7. method a method used to solve systems of equations in which one variable is eliminated by adding or subtracting two equations of the system
  5. 9. The x-coordinate(s) of the point(s) where a graph intersects the x-axis.
  6. 11. Function A function that can be written in the form y=mx+b, where x is the independent variable and m and b are real numbers. Its graph is a line.
  7. 14. system a system of equations that has infinitely many solutions
  8. 15. system a system of equations or inequalities that has at least one solution
  9. 17. of linear equations a system of equations in which all of the equations are linear correlation
  10. 19. coefficient a number r greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1, that describes how closely the points in a scatter plot cluster around the line of best fit.
  11. 20. a value that does not change
  12. 21. The y-coordinate(s) of the point(s) where a graph intersects the y-axis.
  1. 1. a number or a product of numbers and variables with whole-number exponents, or a polynomial with one term
  2. 2. A measure of the steepness of a line.
  3. 5. method A method used to solve systems of equations by solving an equation for one variable and substituting the resulting expression into the other equation(s)
  4. 8. regression a statistical method used to fit a linear model to a given data set
  5. 10. system a system of equations that has exactly one solution
  6. 12. A ratio that compares two quantities measured in different units.
  7. 13. a polynomial with two terms
  8. 16. system a system of equations or inequalities that has no solution
  9. 18. a number or expression that is multiplied by another number or expression to get a product