Algebra Readiness

  1. 3. A rate that has a denominator of 1 unit
  2. 5. A number or expression using a base and an exponent
  3. 7. A change in position or size
  4. 11. A transformation that shrinks or stretches a figure
  5. 14. Natural numbers, their opposites and "0"
  6. 15. Pair of angles immediately next to each other with one side in common
  7. 17. Two numbers whose product is 1
  8. 19. Pair of angles directly opposite of each other formed by the intersection of straight lines
  9. 20. Answer when you divide
  10. 21. The answer when you add
  11. 22. The result when you actually toss a coin 100 times is called
  12. 24. Number of favorable outcomes divided by the total of all possible outcomes
  13. 29. One part of an expression that includes a number, a variable, or product of both
  14. 30. The distance from zero on the number line
  15. 32. A letter used to represent a number in equations or expression
  16. 34. Distance from the center of the circle to the edge
  17. 36. Two angles whose sum is 180◦
  18. 37. A ratio of 2 measures that have different units
  19. 38. Two angles whose sum is 90◦
  20. 40. Grouping Symbols, Exponents, Multiply & Divide, Add & Subtract
  21. 42. The answer when you subtract
  22. 43. A mirror view
  1. 1. Same size and shape
  2. 2. An exchange from one unit of measure to another
  3. 4. The mathematically calculated chances of a specific event occurring
  4. 6. Tells how many times a number is used as a factor
  5. 8. Total area of the surface of a 3D object
  6. 9. Uses numbers, variables, and operation symbol
  7. 10. Comparison of two numbers or expressions using >, <, ≤, ≥, or ≠
  8. 12. The constant value of the ratio of 2 proportional quantities (x & y)
  9. 13. Any natural number and "0"
  10. 16. a(b + c) = ab + ac shows
  11. 18. The answer when you multiply
  12. 23. Distance around a circle
  13. 25. Total area of the surface of a 3D object excluding the bases
  14. 26. A ratio of 2 integers where the denominator ≠ "0"
  15. 27. An angle that measures 180◦
  16. 28. The number or expression in a power that is multiplied by itself
  17. 31. To move a figure in any direction without rotation
  18. 33. A comparison of numbers or variables that can be written in fraction form
  19. 35. A ratio of corresponding side lengths are proportional
  20. 39. An equation stating 2 ratios are equal
  21. 41. Distance across the circle passing through the center