Algebra Terms

  1. 1. / the result of a multiplication problem.
  2. 3. / distance around a two dimensional object (the sum of the legths of its sides).
  3. 9. / expression with three terms. each term is separated from the others by addition or subtraction.
  4. 11. / a group of objects called elements or entries (usually numbers) arranged in orderly rows and columns and surrounded with brackets.
  5. 12. coefficient / the coefficient of the first term of a polynomial once its written in standard form; its term contains the variable raised to the highest power.
  6. 14. square / generated by some quantity multiplied by itself. a to the second power is a perfect square because a times a equals a to the second power.
  7. 17. inverse / Number with the same numerical part but the opposite sign (plus or minus) of the given number. If zero is the sum of two numbers, then these two numbers are additive inverses of one another
  8. 18. / value that multiplied by itself a number of times results in the value or number wanted, such as two is the root of four because two multiplied by itself produces four.
  9. 19. / a statement whose two sides are either definitely not equal (if the symbol is < or >) or possibly unequal (same greater than and less than accept with lines underneath.
  10. 20. / if a is a factor of b, then b is divisible by a.
  11. 21. / word for the x part of a coordinate pair.
  12. 22. / Values that, if substituted for the variable(s) of an equation, make that equation true.
  13. 23. - distance around the outside of a circle.
  14. 25. value / The positive value of the indicated number or expression./an operation that tells you how far a number is from zero.
  15. 27. / real number value defined for square matrices only.
  16. 30. / describes a system of equations with an infinite number of solutions.
  17. 33. / an expression with only one term.
  18. 34. / mathematical incomplete sentence that doesnt contain an equal sign.
  19. 37. / Describes a number less than 0.
  20. 38. pair / two values inside parentheses and separated by a comma that indicate the position of a point in the coordinate plane.
  21. 39. / also known as second degree, expression or equation in which the highest power is two. the degree is two.
  22. 41. operation / process requiring two values to produce a third value.
  23. 43. line / graphing system with only one axis, used to visualize inequalities containing only one unique variable.
  1. 1. / describes a number greater then 0.
  2. 2. / plotted figure in a plane.
  3. 4. inverse / also known as a reciprocal, one of two numbers whose product is one. the reciprocal of a number is that particular number in the denominator of a fraction with a value of one in the numerator.
  4. 5. / word for the y part of a coordinate pair.
  5. 6. number / any number (weather rational or irrational, positive or negative) that can be expressed as a single decimal.
  6. 7. / letter used to represent a number.
  7. 8. / two terms separated by addition or subtraction.
  8. 10. terms / terms containing variables that match exactly.
  9. 13. / a rule that pairs inputs with outputs.
  10. 15. / number multiplied by a variable./ the number appearing at the beginning of a monomial; the coefficient of 12xy to the second power is 12.
  11. 16. theorem / formula specific to right triangles stating that the hypotenuse (c) squared is equal to the sum of the squares of the remaining sides (a and b): a to the second power plus b to the second power equals c to the second power.
  12. 21. / the amount of space covered by a two-dimensional object measure of a specified region in a plane.
  13. 23. plane / grid used to visualize mathematical graphs.
  14. 24. / to combine all that can be combined and put an expression in its most easily understandable form.
  15. 26. / one of four regions in a coordinate plane defined by the x axis and y axis.
  16. 28. / in the expression x to the second power, the exponent is 2; x will be multiplied by itself two times.
  17. 29. / a number with no obvious fraction or decimal part.
  18. 31. / rule or method that is accepted as true and used over and over in common applications.
  19. 32. equation / an equation of the form ax+by=c; its graph is a line in the coordinate plane.
  20. 35. / a mathematical sentence including an equal sign.
  21. 36. / value of an exponent indicating the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.
  22. 40. / a number with no variable attached to it.
  23. 42. multiplication / method of solving proportions in which you multiply the numerator of one fraction by the denominator
  24. 44. / in the expression x to the second power, the base is x; x will be multiplied by itself two times./ value multiplied repeatedly in an exponential expression.