
  1. 2. A mathematical sentence built from expressions using one or more equal signs (=).
  2. 3. The largest integer that divides evenly into each of a given set of numbers.
  3. 6. The set of numbers represented as {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,...}.
  4. 8. The sum of two monomials.
  5. 11. are a set of values that show an exact position.
  6. 13. "rise over run" or "the change in y over the change in x".
  7. 15. A polynomial is a monomial or a sum of monomials.
  8. 16. A point at which a graph intersects the y-axis.
  9. 20. The number under the (radical) symbol.
  10. 21. A relation for which each element of the domain corresponds to exactly one element of the range.
  11. 22. father of algebra
  12. 23. The point halfway between two given points.
  13. 28. The plane formed by a horizontal axis and a vertical axis, often labeled the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.
  14. 30. The set of y-values of a function or relation.
  15. 31. The smallest positive integer into which two or more integers divide evenly.
  16. 32. a comparison of two quantities or numbers that are measured in the same units.
  17. 37. An equation, graph, or data that can be modeled by a degree 2 polynomial.
  18. 38. Parts of an expression or series separated by + or – signs, or the parts of a sequence separated by commas.
  19. 39. A monomial is a number, a variable, or a product of a number and one or more variables.
  20. 40. a term or expression with no variables.
  21. 42. One of two identical factors of a number.
  22. 44. Typically, this is the set of x-values that give rise to real y-values.
  23. 46. The symbol, which is used to indicate square roots or nth roots.
  24. 47. is a symbol for a number we don't know yet.
  25. 48. To draw or plot the points named by certain numbers on a number line or a certain ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.
  1. 1. is a number used to multiply a variable
  2. 4. A test use to determine if a relation is a function.
  3. 5. a number that is higher than zero.
  4. 7. One of the four regions into which the x- and y- axes separate the coordinate plane.
  5. 9. The result of a multiplication operation.
  6. 10. A conic section that can be thought of as an inside-out ellipse.
  7. 12. The result of an addition operation.
  8. 14. the point (0, 0).
  9. 17. The vertical (up and down) change in a line graphed in the coordinate plane.
  10. 18. The horizontal (left and right) change in a line graphed in the coordinate plane.
  11. 19. The result of a division operation.
  12. 20. The part left over after long division.
  13. 22. The result of a subtraction operation.
  14. 24. The number that must be multiplied times itself n times to equal a given value.
  15. 25. A point at which a graph intersects the x-axis.
  16. 26. The result of writing sum of two terms as a difference or vice-versa.
  17. 27. The mathematics of working with variables.
  18. 29. A line or curve that the graph of a relation approaches more and more closely the further the graph is followed.
  19. 33. The relationship a/b of two quantities a and b that are measured in different units.
  20. 34. x in the expression ax.
  21. 35. A polynomial with three terms which are not like terms.
  22. 36. A u-shaped curve with certain specific properties.
  23. 41. a number that is less than zero.
  24. 43. A set of ordered pairs.
  25. 45. also known as abscissa