
  1. 2. A relation in which each element in the domain corresponds with exactly one element in the range
  2. 3. To make less complex by distribution, reducing, combining the terms.
  3. 4. the numerical factor in a term
  4. 6. The set of all outputs of a relation
  5. 9. An educated guess based on known information
  6. 10. A statement that is true and follows the word "if"
  7. 12. A set of ordered pairs
  8. 13. Lines which do not intersect and have the same slope
  9. 14. A statement that two algebraic expressions are equal
  10. 16. The statement formed by negating both the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement
  11. 18. Ratio of vertical change to horizontal change in a non-vertical line; change in "y" over change in "x"
  1. 1. A quantity whose value does not change
  2. 4. An example used to show that a given statement is not always true
  3. 5. The strength of a relationship between two data sets
  4. 7. Any sentence that is either true or false, but not both
  5. 8. The set of all inputs in a relation
  6. 9. The statement formed by exchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement
  7. 11. A statement that two algebraic expressions are related but not equal
  8. 15. One of the positive or negative whole numbers or zero
  9. 17. A set of two or more equations using the same variables