
  1. 2. Z=X-X/O
  2. 7. Y-Axis of vertex opens downward
  3. 10. Results of spinning a wheel
  4. 12. equations equation that contains 1 or more rational expression
  5. 13. Theorem A^2+B^2=C^2
  6. 17. highest point of parabola
  7. 19. growth A>0&B>1
  8. 21. of two squares A^2-2AB+B^2
  9. 22. two termed polynomial
  10. 26. Divides data into 4 equal parts
  11. 28. three termed polynomial
  12. 29. factors b=1-% rate
  13. 31. deviation shows how data in a data set varys from the mean
  1. 1. Y-Axis of vertex opens upward
  2. 3. interest example of exponential growth
  3. 4. U-shaped curve on a graph
  4. 5. factors b=1+% rate of changed expression,as a decimal
  5. 6. square trinomials A+2AB+B^2
  6. 8. of a polynomial same degree as monomial with greatest exponent
  7. 9. a monomial or sum of monomial
  8. 11. by grouping Common binomial
  9. 14. The longer leg of a right triangle
  10. 15. Data that is much greater or Lesser than the set
  11. 16. notation A~10^x
  12. 18. The Average
  13. 20. How likely something is
  14. 23. distribution -1-1, 98% or -3-3,95%
  15. 24. Arragngment of numbers in rows and columns.
  16. 25. one variable with exponents
  17. 26. function Y=AX^2+BX+C
  18. 27. variation Y=KX
  19. 30. of symmetry Divides the Parabola into two halves.
  20. 31. root function Square root with independant variable