
  1. 4. another name for a number
  2. 5. the distance a number is from zero
  3. 6. <,>,= greater than or equal to
  4. 8. the set of all input values
  5. 9. horizontal line on a graph
  6. 10. an expression of more than two algebraic terms
  7. 11. indicates both speed and direction
  8. 13. numbers above zero
  9. 17. use to analyze data
  10. 18. the point halfway between two given points
  1. 1. a negative,zeros, or positive whole number
  2. 2. rise over run
  3. 3. numbers below zero
  4. 7. a vertical line on the graph
  5. 11. a letter that represents a number
  6. 12. any numbers in the math book
  7. 13. when you draw a point on the graph
  8. 14. an equation that is always true
  9. 15. the point that correspond to a number
  10. 16. a point labled zero