
  1. 3. terms terms with different variables
  2. 4. a number or letter on its own
  3. 5. numbers and operators grouped together to show the value of something
  4. 7. terms added or subtracted
  5. 10. 3 terms
  6. 12. add,subtract,multiply,divide
  7. 13. terms terms with the same variable
  8. 14. number or variable
  9. 18. largest exponent
  10. 19. 2 terms
  1. 1. how many times a number should times itself by
  2. 2. take something away to decrease in size numerically
  3. 4. a number used to multiply a variable
  4. 6. expression a expression that contains variables
  5. 8. the greatest amount after adding
  6. 9. letter
  7. 11. 1 term
  8. 15. a number by itself
  9. 16. join something to make it increase in size numerically
  10. 17. lowest terms, as simple as possible