
  1. 3. the set of values of the independent variables for which a function or relation is defined,
  2. 4. The answer when subtracting
  3. 6. an unknown number usually represented by a letter
  4. 10. the highest value in a set or in a graph
  5. 11. the number in front of a variable
  6. 13. can be linear, quadratic, absolute value, exponential, inequality, etc.
  7. 15. less than, greater than, less than or equal to
  8. 16. the point where the graph crosses the Y axis
  9. 18. perpendicular lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals
  10. 20. to plug in a number and evaluate
  11. 22. the points where the graph of a quadratic function hits the x axis
  1. 1. the spam of numbers found by subtracting the smallest number from the highest number in a set
  2. 2. the pair of numbers giving the location of a point
  3. 5. in order
  4. 7. the answer you add
  5. 8. the difference in y values divided by the difference of x values
  6. 9. the answer when you divide
  7. 12. the point or points where graphs "touch"
  8. 14. To multiply out the parts of an expression
  9. 17. the answer when you multiply
  10. 19. a straight line that shows a constant rate of change
  11. 21. to reduce or put in simplest terms