
  1. 1. what you call an expression with four or more terms
  2. 5. the factors of a difference of two perfect squares
  3. 7. the largest factor that all terms of an expression have in common
  4. 10. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ...
  5. 12. what you call a base being raised to an exponent
  6. 15. the largest exponent (or sum of exponents) of a polynomial
  7. 16. the property needed to multiply a monomial by a trinomial
  8. 17. the form ax+by=c
  9. 18. when you replace a variable with a numerical value
  10. 24. a statement where two expressions are set equal
  11. 25. if a line has negative slope it will be _________
  12. 26. a statement where two expressions are stated to be greater than or less than each other
  13. 28. what you call an expression with two terms
  14. 30. change in y over change in x
  1. 1. the mathematical term for multiplication
  2. 2. distance from zero
  3. 3. what you call an expression with three terms
  4. 4. if a line has positive slope it will be _________
  5. 6. you raise this to an exponent
  6. 8. the number being multiplied by a variable expression
  7. 9. a number that tells you how many times to multiply the base
  8. 11. the form y=mx+b
  9. 13. if you graphed y=3x+5 you would see one of these
  10. 14. the value that makes an equation or inequality true
  11. 19. the name of a polynomial with degree three
  12. 20. to rewrite an expression as a product
  13. 21. what you call a point that hits the x or y axis
  14. 22. the method of factoring for an expression with four terms
  15. 23. a letter that represents a numeric value
  16. 27. the mathematical term for a set of parentheses
  17. 29. what you call an expression with one term