
  1. 3. Graphical representation of the relationship between two
  2. 8. the y-coordinate of a point where a line intersects the y-axis
  3. 10. A trend line hat shows the relationship between 2 sets of data most accurately
  4. 12. b2 – 4ac
  5. 14. A set of x-values for which a function or relation is defined.
  6. 17. The highest or lowest point, sometimes called maximum or minimum of a parabola.
  7. 19. A relationship where the dependent y values decrease as independent x values increase
  8. 20. An unknown number represented by a letter
  9. 22. y=kx
  10. 23. the x-coordinate of a point where a line intersects the x-axis
  1. 1. The line that an exponential function NEVER crosses
  2. 2. One input to every output
  3. 4. A relationship where the dependent y values increase as the independent x values increase
  4. 5. A vertical line that divides a parabola into 2 congruent halves
  5. 6. A set of y-values for which a function or relation is defined.
  6. 7. A method of solving a system of equations by adding or subtracting equations to get rid one of the variables
  7. 9. No relationship between the dependent y values and
  8. 11. A method of solving a system of equations by replacing a variable with an equivalent expression
  9. 13. x values
  10. 15. sets of data
  11. 16. ax+by=c
  12. 18. Form y – y1 = m(x – x1), where m is the slope and (x1,y1) is the point
  13. 21. y = a(x - h)2 + k, A common point to join the two line segments.