
  1. 2. the intersection of x and y axis in a cordinate plane
  2. 3. when you flip a fraction, denominator on top and numerator on the bottom
  3. 8. intersecting to form 90 degree angles
  4. 9. a number that is multiplied by another number to get a product
  5. 10. the difference in y-value of 2 points on a line
  6. 12. any function that = to zero
  7. 13. when you divide by 2 and square it
  8. 15. a number multiplied by itself to get a product
  9. 16. a pair of numbers (x,y)
  10. 17. least possible y-value of a function
  11. 18. a polynomial of 2 degrees
  12. 20. greatest of the common factors
  13. 22. product of primes for a number
  14. 24. difference in the x-values of 2 points on a line
  15. 25. highest or lowest points on a parabola
  16. 26. greatest possible y-value of a function
  17. 27. a dot used for a solution to a graph
  1. 1. apolynomial with 2 terms
  2. 4. a monomial or a sum or difference of monomials
  3. 5. a number used to find the location of a point
  4. 6. a number, variable, or a product of numbers and variables with exponents
  5. 7. a polynomial with 3 terms
  6. 8. its factored form is the square of a binomial
  7. 11. a line that divides a plane or graph into 2 congruent halves
  8. 14. has 2 positive factors, itself and 1
  9. 19. the vertical axis on a graph
  10. 20. cordinate plane using x and y points
  11. 21. the horizontal axis on a graph
  12. 22. a curve in a quadratic funtion for a graph
  13. 23. relation in which every domain is paired with one range