- 4. How many countries have the couple travel to since meeting (excluding UK)?
- 5. How many years has Amy been a qualified veterinary nurse for?
- 7. What street in Edinburgh was Amy’s famous 189 flat situated on?
- 9. Ali and Amy’s favourite Scottish comedy?
- 10. Which house was Ali co captain for in his final year of school?
- 11. Where are Ali and Amy going on their honeymoon?
- 12. Which group of islands did the couple snorkel amongst turtles, sharks and sea lions?
- 13. Which Irish series has been the couples favourite TV show in 2024?
- 14. In what village did Amy attending her childhood dancing classes?
- 15. What if the brides favourite genre of music to listen to?
- 16. What team did Ali play for during his childhood career?
- 17. Name the bird of prey that featured in the name of Amy’s local swimming club?
- 1. What is the grooms go to camera brand for all his photos (Not sponsored)?
- 2. What is the grooms middle name?
- 3. Which Scottish uninhabited island did the couple travel to and camp on in 2021?
- 6. What features as a component in both Amy and Ali’s favourite drink?
- 8. Which country park did the couple have their first in person date?
- 9. Which Canadian artist was Amy’s first ever CD that was on repeat in the 90’s?
- 10. Which island did Ali propose to Amy on?
- 15. Which country was the a joint favourite of the couples travels in 2022?