All about Aubrey

  1. 3. what I want my college major to be
  2. 5. my favorite Taylor album
  3. 7. my favorite plants
  4. 10. what I make a lot
  5. 13. my favorite movie of all time
  6. 15. my favorite movie genre
  7. 16. the club I'm in
  8. 17. the guy I like
  9. 19. my childs name
  10. 21. my favorite Lana Del Rey song
  11. 24. my baesssss
  1. 1. my birthday
  2. 2. what I'm doing to my room
  3. 4. my favorite planet
  4. 6. my favorite song
  5. 8. my least favorite ex
  6. 9. my favorite flower
  7. 10. my favorite taylor swift song
  8. 11. my favorite ex
  9. 12. my favorite subject
  10. 14. my favorite color
  11. 18. the theme of my room
  12. 20. my favorite animal
  13. 22. my favorite cartoon
  14. 23. my favorite house animal