All About Cars

  1. 2. Window on top of car that lets in fresh light and air
  2. 5. A set of gears and its casing
  3. 6. A covering in the front of the car for ventilation
  4. 10. Instrument that measures the working speed of an engine
  5. 11. The base or frame of car
  6. 13. Measures the distance traveled in the car
  7. 16. Device used to clear rain, ice, or snow
  8. 18. A cooling device to cool down the engine of a car
  9. 19. Frame around the wheels
  1. 1. Part of the car's exhaust system, to quiet the car sound
  2. 3. Bright lights that let you see through fog
  3. 4. Device in an internal combustion engine for mixing air with a fine spray of liquid fuel
  4. 6. Forms a seal between the engine block and cylinder head
  5. 7. Automatically shifts the car for you
  6. 8. Part to start the car up
  7. 9. Blocks out the sun for the driver and passenger seats
  8. 12. Connects the two front and back wheels
  9. 14. Is a filter to remove contaminants in engine oil
  10. 15. What makes a car run
  11. 17. The cover on the top of the car that covers the engine