All about Cells !

  1. 5. theory is a scientific theory which describes the properties of cells
  2. 6. the things that make organisms what they are
  3. 8. a space or vesicle within the cytoplasm of a cell, enclosed by a membrane and typically containing fluid
  4. 10. solution that has a lower osmotic pressure than another solution
  5. 12. he readily stainable substance of a cell nucleus, consisting of DNA, RNA, and various proteins, that forms chromosomes during cell division
  6. 13. the cell substance between the cell membrane and the nucleus, containing the cytosol, organelles, cytoskeleton, and various particles
  7. 15. a small dense spherical structure in the nucleus of a cell during interphase
  8. 17. a small set of microtubules arranged in a specific way. There are nine groups of microtubules
  9. 19. the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, typically microscopic and consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane. Microscopic organisms typically consist of a single cell, which is either eukaryotic or prokaryotic.
  1. 1. a membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells
  2. 2. a membrane-bound compartment inside chloroplasts and cyanobacteria
  3. 3. a higher concentration of solutes outside the cell than inside the cell
  4. 4. any of various specific protein molecules in surface membranes of cells and organelles to which complementary molecules, as hormones, neurotransmitters, antigens, or antibodies, may become bound
  5. 7. any of a number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell
  6. 9. an organelle in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells containing degradative enzymes enclosed in a membrane
  7. 11. the movement of molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration
  8. 14. the movement of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane from higher water concentration to a lower water concentration
  9. 16. a small organelle within a cell, consisting of fluid enclosed by a lipid bilayer membrane
  10. 17. wall a rigid layer of polysaccharides lying outside the plasma membrane of the cells of plants, fungi, and bacteria. In the algae and higher plants, it consists mainly of cellulose
  11. 18. cell theory is a scientific theory which describes the properties of cells