All about genetics by Addison Doran

  1. 1. a group of like animals capable of breeding.
  2. 5. the passing of characteristics.
  3. 7. all the dna that makes up one trait.
  4. 9. a group of organisms
  5. 11. known as the modern father of genetics.
  6. 12. a characteristic a physical __ can be seen.
  7. 13. is a organisms children,pups,cubs,etc.
  1. 2. a structure that carries the genetic code.
  2. 3. the genes that are seen on the offspring.
  3. 4. the study of how features are passed from parents.
  4. 6. the way one acts or conducts themself.
  5. 8. the genes from one parent not shown on offspring.
  6. 10. a pair of chromosomes.