  1. 4. Filter blood to form urine
  2. 6. Kidney disease that causes fluid filled cysts to grow in the kidneys
  3. 7. Tubes made of smooth muscle that carries urine from kidneys to bladder
  4. 10. Hormone that stimulates bone marrow to make red blood cells
  5. 11. Build up of waste in the blood
  6. 12. Balance of chemicals and fluid in the body
  7. 13. Where urine is stored
  1. 1. Each kidney weighs about 1/4 to 1/2 lb and is about the size of this
  2. 2. Functional unit of the kidney
  3. 3. Ball of capillaries in each nephron where water and small solutes are forced through filtration slits by the pressure of the beating heart
  4. 5. Number 2 cause of kidney failure
  5. 8. Final pathway for elimination of urine
  6. 9. Number 1 cause of kidney failure