All About Love 1 Corinthians 13

  1. 4. Paul says this first about love
  2. 5. love is not______
  3. 6. Love never______
  4. 7. Another english word for love
  5. 10. Love does not ____
  6. 11. Love always________
  7. 13. ____will be stilled
  8. 14. love always_________
  9. 17. Paul says this secondly about love
  10. 18. 1 Corinthians 13 is about
  1. 1. Love_____ with the truth
  2. 2. ____will pass away
  3. 3. Love always ______
  4. 8. Love Always _________
  5. 9. love keeps no record of_______
  6. 11. ____will cease
  7. 12. The Greek word for unconditional love
  8. 15. love does not delight in____
  9. 16. love does not_____