All about max

  1. 2. Brand Of my Computer (HARD)
  2. 5. Least favourite anime (EASY)
  3. 6. football position (MEDIUM)
  4. 7. Second position (MEDIUM)
  5. 8. Favourite Youtuber (SUPER HARD)
  6. 9. Favourite sport (MEDIUM)
  7. 10. Where I go to school (EASY)
  8. 12. Favourite anime (MEDIUM)
  9. 14. The anime that I'm watching (MEDIUM)
  10. 15. who has a better step, me or aidan (HARD)
  11. 17. The brand of my headphones (HARD)
  12. 18. what I think I am (MEDIUM)
  13. 19. My sisters name (MEDIUM)
  14. 21. My Microphone (MEDIUM)
  15. 23. My favourite video game (HARD)
  16. 24. what I play games on (MEDIUM)
  1. 1. Favourite substitute teacher (MEDIUM)
  2. 3. My Best Friend (SUPER HARD)
  3. 4. 2nd Favourite sport (EASY)
  4. 10. Where I live (EASY)
  5. 11. My 2nd favourite video game (HARD)
  6. 13. Have I Broken Any bones (MEDIUM)
  7. 16. whos better a football, me or aidan (EASY)
  8. 20. favourite anime character (HARD)
  9. 22. Who's my favourite cousin (EASY)