All About Me

  1. 2. My favorite genre of books/movies
  2. 5. My favorite mythical creature
  3. 8. Number of schools I've attended
  4. 10. My name
  5. 11. My favorite subject in school
  6. 13. My age
  7. 14. My favorite instrument to play
  8. 15. My favorite sport
  9. 17. My favorite color
  10. 19. What I want my profession to be
  11. 20. Type of dance I take lessons for
  1. 1. My favorite animal
  2. 3. Museum A place I hope to visit
  3. 4. My favorite flower
  4. 6. My brother's name
  5. 7. What I play in Band
  6. 9. My favorite book/movie series
  7. 12. My Hogwarts house (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin)
  8. 16. my favorite candy bar
  9. 18. Number of people in my family