All About Me Crossword-Brett Weis

  1. 3. ONE Sport I mentioned
  2. 7. My elementary school
  3. 8. School my sister goes to (Abbreviated)
  4. 9. Left or right brain
  5. 13. Sport my Grandpa coached
  6. 14. Number of people in my family
  7. 15. College I want to attend for chemistry
  1. 1. Team I am a fan of from New York
  2. 2. My Multiple Intelligence
  3. 4. Future Career Possibility
  4. 5. Number of pets I have
  5. 6. Number of Sports teams I mentioned I was a fan of
  6. 10. My learning style
  7. 11. My color personality
  8. 12. Reason I had 100+ Stitches