All About Me and Animals

  1. 2. Flying mammal
  2. 3. second most common language in the us
  3. 6. a Netflix original show
  4. 8. an app that you can post videos and pictures.
  5. 10. a light shade of pink
  6. 11. Man's best friend
  7. 14. Has a trunk
  8. 15. Likes to chase mice
  9. 16. sharp teeth and loves in the ocean
  10. 17. a tall neck
  11. 19. Apple newest product
  1. 1. a subject that has to d with numbers
  2. 4. one of the largest cities in the US
  3. 5. an extinct animal
  4. 7. one of the basic colors
  5. 9. an app that you can take pictures and send them
  6. 11. moving around to music, having rhythm
  7. 12. your siblings son
  8. 13. Large marsupial
  9. 18. the study of life