All About Money

  1. 1. things you own
  2. 2. a legal document used in the purchase of property/assets
  3. 6. a person who promises to pay a loan in the event the borrower can't
  4. 10. a physical check of financial records
  5. 11. a ranking that represents the ability to repay a debt
  6. 14. exceeding its credit limit
  7. 16. the process of a bank taking ownership to pay off a loan in default
  8. 17. the value of ownership interest in the business (assists-liablities)
  9. 19. end of a loan term and all outstanding payments are due
  10. 20. anyone you owe money to with an arrangement to pay later
  11. 21. the exact point when a business' income equals expenses
  12. 22. a report detailing an individual's past credit arrangements
  13. 24. inability to pay debts
  14. 25. a listing of planned revenue and expenditure for a given period
  1. 1. a record of all invoices yet to be paid
  2. 2. a lump sum payment on a loan agreement
  3. 3. the process of expensing an asset over a period of time
  4. 4. limit the maximum lending amount offered for a loan
  5. 5. the measure of actual cash flowing in and out
  6. 7. a person that owes you money
  7. 8. ability to withdraw money up to an approved limit
  8. 9. a record of all expected payments from customers
  9. 12. percentage used to calculate the cot of borrowing money
  10. 13. profit the difference between sales and the direct cost
  11. 15. a new loan is taken out to pay an existing loan
  12. 18. money owed that is unlikely to be paid
  13. 23. finance arrangement that allows you to lease for a period then buy