- 4. my favorite trip
- 7. one of my favorite activities
- 8. what I do pretty much every day
- 9. another sport I like
- 12. the best game on a ninitendo switch-Link
- 14. my favorite and the newest Lord Of the rings movie
- 15. the best book I ever read
- 17. my favorite sport
- 18. a friend in Maple Grove
- 1. my favorite conlony other than Fairholme
- 2. where I live
- 3. trip we have to pick something
- 5. what I like to do when I'm bored
- 6. what I like to drink in the evenings
- 7. person who wrote my favorite book
- 10. something I like to build
- 11. My Favorite Subject in school includes PA
- 13. one of the best things I like to eat
- 16. what I have a collection of
- 17. where I work