All About Spoken Interaction Isaiah Samuel Mirza Ismail

  1. 6. ______ on one or two things in the video.
  2. 7. We are tested on how we are going to ____ to the question.
  3. 10. Speak to the examiner like you are having a casual ____________.
  4. 11. Try to draw on your own ______ experience.
  5. 12. Do not use _____ words such as good, bad, sad etc.
  6. 13. Pertain to the video and do not ______ in great detail.
  7. 15. Make ____ contact when speaking to the examiner.
  1. 1. Replay the video multiple times to ________ yourself with the video.
  2. 2. Do not speak in a ________ manner.
  3. 3. Elaborate by giving your _____ and a reason.
  4. 4. Give answers that ______ to the question.
  5. 5. Try to use ____ to describe your sentence.
  6. 8. Before you take a seat, _____ the examiner.
  7. 9. In Spoken Interaction, use appropriate _______.
  8. 14. Use your words to _______ yourself.