All About You...

  1. 4. Jenny's biggest strength
  2. 7. Mike's dream vacation spot
  3. 9. Katie's favorite sport
  4. 10. Brad would describe himself as
  5. 11. Rebecca's favorite animal
  6. 13. Deana's phobia
  7. 17. Zoe's favorite animal (2 words)
  8. 18. Jasmine's most cherished attribute
  9. 19. Matt's favorite genre of movies
  10. 21. Samone's dream vacation spot
  11. 22. Lawanda's dream job
  1. 1. Takia's favorite board game
  2. 2. Erin's happy place
  3. 3. Domo's phobia
  4. 5. Karsen's favorite animal (2 words)
  5. 6. Loren's total number of tattoos
  6. 7. Britta's dream job
  7. 8. Vicky's favorite subject in high school
  8. 12. Rachel's biggest strength
  9. 14. Emily's favorite subject in high school
  10. 15. Shavawn would describe herself as
  11. 16. Katy's Hogwarts house
  12. 20. Harout's favorite hobby