All Around Isabel

  1. 2. Best Christmas movie ever
  2. 5. Senior year study “abroad”
  3. 6. Workout class of choice
  4. 8. Blueberries or choco chips in hers
  5. 11. Favorite color & beach bubbles
  6. 14. Disney channel choreo
  7. 15. Footwear of choice
  8. 17. Collects in jars
  9. 18. Caribbean home-away-from-home
  10. 19. Childhood stuffy
  1. 1. Childhood stomping grounds
  2. 3. Best way to circumnavigate MI
  3. 4. Will outlast anybody on the ___
  4. 7. Trust trip-planning tool
  5. 9. Will break vegetarianism for
  6. 10. Team where it all started
  7. 12. Initials-to-be
  8. 13. It's always a countdown to
  9. 16. Second best way to circumnavigate MI