All Biochem 1

  1. 2. Conjugated protein with highest affinity towards oxygen
  2. 5. Lipophilic amino acid with a side-chain benzene ring
  3. 6. Lung disease related to alpha-antitrypsin deficiency
  4. 10. Switch enzymes On/Off via covalent catalysis
  5. 11. alpha and beta isomers are possible when glucose exists in which form?
  6. 12. First regulatory enzyme of glycolysis
  7. 14. a glycosidic bond is non-reducing because it is a(n) ______
  8. 15. Methyl carrier in phospholipid biosynthesis
  9. 17. DNA ______ is a process that nuclear receptors activate
  1. 1. A neurotransmitter derived from tryptophan
  2. 3. An anabolic energy-consuming pathway
  3. 4. Amino acid with 3 pKa values
  4. 7. Intermediate whose channeling away from citric acid cycle in diabetes causes build-up of ketone bodies
  5. 8. Disease whose symptoms include cataracts and growth retardation
  6. 9. second largest plasma lipoproteins after chilomycrons
  7. 13. Hormone that plays an important role during fasting and starvation
  8. 16. An uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation if administered at a high dose