all summer in a day

  1. 3. how did the kids feel towards Margot?
  2. 5. what is the girls name that saw the sun?
  3. 7. how was the weather like on Venus everyday?
  4. 10. they didn't _______ Margot when she told the bullies she saw the sun?
  5. 12. how did the kids feel at the end of the story?
  6. 14. what were the kids waiting on to show up?
  7. 15. How were the kids acting like to Margot?
  1. 1. how did the kids feel when they saw the sun?
  2. 2. where did the kids put Margot?
  3. 4. how was the weather to the kids on Venus?
  4. 6. how did the kids feel after remembering Margot was in the closet?
  5. 8. how long was their summer?
  6. 9. what did it do everyday?
  7. 11. where do the kids live?
  8. 13. how should've the kids been to Margot?