ALLENE'S Birthday Puzzle

  1. 1. Noisy reaction or response
  2. 5. Fertile, prolific
  3. 6. Type of triangle
  4. 8. Eagerness; liveliness interest
  5. 11. Careless, lazy
  6. 15. Perfect; typical example
  7. 17. Universal Christian unity
  8. 20. Harsh discordant mixture of sounds
  9. 22. Devising /choosing names for things
  10. 23. Vocabulary of a language or branch of knowledge
  11. 24. Effective abstract
  12. 25. A riddle whose answer is or involves pun
  1. 2. Greedy
  2. 3. Egyptian Cross design
  3. 4. Male servant
  4. 7. Roomy & comfortable
  5. 9. Of great duration
  6. 10. Lowest Load-bearing part of a building
  7. 12. Indicates treatment or procedure inadvisable
  8. 13. Intended to gain approval or favor
  9. 14. List of books in appendix
  10. 16. Figure of speech with contradictory terms
  11. 18. Existing or found everywhere
  12. 19. Boredom, listlessness
  13. 21. Outdoor game searching out clues using a G.P.S. unit