Allies crossword

  1. 5. atla element
  2. 8. what kind of sports commercial i was in once
  3. 9. dog or cat person
  4. 10. favorite cookie in cookie run ovenbreak
  5. 11. favorite band
  6. 14. my zodiac sign
  7. 16. my middle name
  8. 19. my dogs name
  9. 21. my real first name
  10. 26. favorite cookie in kingdoms
  11. 29. i am half this (ethnicity)
  12. 30. I allegedly got my cheek scar from smacking my head against this
  13. 31. what kind of dance I used to do
  1. 1. favorite pop tart flavor
  2. 2. what sport I used to do as a child
  3. 3. where im from the #1 state in the usa
  4. 4. favorite ben and jerrys ice cream
  5. 6. best soda flavor
  6. 7. how i almost killed someone in first grade
  7. 9. percy jackson godly parent
  8. 12. my homestuck kin
  9. 13. my only known allergy
  10. 15. what sport I used to do in the winter
  11. 17. favorite animal after dogs
  12. 18. what sport i used to do in middle school
  13. 20. what instrument i play
  14. 22. my favorite color
  15. 23. I one time clocked my brother in the head with a toy this when I was 3
  16. 24. who was the first puppet i ever made (hxh)
  17. 25. my favorite stuffed animals name
  18. 27. song i could listen to forever (hint its by my fav kpop group)
  19. 28. the other half is this
  20. 32. favorite kpop group