Ally's Baby Shower

  1. 2. Gwen Stefani; beach in Malibu
  2. 7. Ed Sheeran; middle name; south ice continent
  3. 9. Adam Levine; grubby
  4. 10. Jamie Oliver;2 words,flower leaf words
  5. 13. Kate Winslet; box for camping
  6. 14. Adam Levine; earth
  1. 1. Frank Zappa; being extra
  2. 3. Bono; home of Elvis
  3. 4. Katy Perry; flower of innocence
  4. 5. Jason Bateman; syrup for pancakes
  5. 6. John Legend; eclipse
  6. 8. Gweneth Paltrow; keeps the doctor away
  7. 11. JayZ and Beyonce; sky
  8. 12. Alanis Morissette; black precious stone