Alphabet Soup Agencies

  1. 1. Insures bank deposits up to $5,000
  2. 3. Government jobs that increased worker buying power
  3. 5. Regulates what is said on the airways
  4. 8. Provided training and part-time jobs for needy kids
  5. 9. Regulates crop prices and protects farming industry
  6. 10. Provides monthly payments for the elderly
  1. 1. Insured loans for homes
  2. 2. Provided jobs for young urban men, aged 18-25
  3. 4. Largest New Deal Agency
  4. 5. Helped states to provide aid for the unemployed
  5. 6. Provided manual labor jobs (Short-Lived)
  6. 7. Provided electricity to poor area
  7. 8. Defined "unfair labor practices"
  8. 11. Regulates the stock market