- 1. How a two-parent OWF group will show up in CRIS-E (if neither adult is incapacitated).
- 4. CRIS-E screen we can go to that shows the spenddown amount.
- 5. QMB (MA-L) and SLMB (MAUS) are examples of the Medicare Premium Assistance Program.
- 7. Auditors Real Estate Information System used by Lucas County for recording property information.
- 10. This CRIS-E screen show Sanction information.
- 11. Federal name for Food Stamps
- 14. What the OWF card is called.
- 16. Federal name for the cash benefit.
- 17. Medicaid Buy-In for Working Disabled
- 18. Our system that stores all our electronic documents.
- 19. Initials for the letter sent to a client who misses their FA appointment.
- 20. The screen we go to in CRIS-E to access any of the “Tables” in CRIS-E.
- 21. CRIS-E screen we can go to that shows the # of months assigned to a person’s OWF time limit.
- 22. Screen we go to gain access to a case to change a phone # or address.
- 25. This screen shows the “food stamp” issuance history.
- 26. Unit that determines if an individual is disabled.
- 1. This screen shows what AGs on a case are open, closed, denied, or pending.
- 2. Work Activities Case Manager
- 3. This CRIS-E shows employment information for any clients on the case that are employed.
- 6. Legislation passed on 08-22-1996: Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act
- 7. FA group known as Able Bodied Adults without Disabilities.
- 8. Name of program for parents who are under 19, don’t have a High School diploma, and receive OWF.
- 9. Name of the new Medical programs (Modified Adjusted Gross Income).
- 12. This screen is where unearned income is stored in CRIS-E.
- 13. CRIS-E screen that has the Disabled Person’s disability information.
- 14. Food Assistance (FA) term for an individual 60+ years old
- 15. The “C” in ECP and SSC stands for this.
- 23. Initials for our eligibility computer system
- 24. Lists all the people on the case, but only the “active” clients.