Alphabet Soup

  1. 1. How a two-parent OWF group will show up in CRIS-E (if neither adult is incapacitated).
  2. 4. CRIS-E screen we can go to that shows the spenddown amount.
  3. 5. QMB (MA-L) and SLMB (MAUS) are examples of the Medicare Premium Assistance Program.
  4. 7. Auditors Real Estate Information System used by Lucas County for recording property information.
  5. 10. This CRIS-E screen show Sanction information.
  6. 11. Federal name for Food Stamps
  7. 14. What the OWF card is called.
  8. 16. Federal name for the cash benefit.
  9. 17. Medicaid Buy-In for Working Disabled
  10. 18. Our system that stores all our electronic documents.
  11. 19. Initials for the letter sent to a client who misses their FA appointment.
  12. 20. The screen we go to in CRIS-E to access any of the “Tables” in CRIS-E.
  13. 21. CRIS-E screen we can go to that shows the # of months assigned to a person’s OWF time limit.
  14. 22. Screen we go to gain access to a case to change a phone # or address.
  15. 25. This screen shows the “food stamp” issuance history.
  16. 26. Unit that determines if an individual is disabled.
  1. 1. This screen shows what AGs on a case are open, closed, denied, or pending.
  2. 2. Work Activities Case Manager
  3. 3. This CRIS-E shows employment information for any clients on the case that are employed.
  4. 6. Legislation passed on 08-22-1996: Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act
  5. 7. FA group known as Able Bodied Adults without Disabilities.
  6. 8. Name of program for parents who are under 19, don’t have a High School diploma, and receive OWF.
  7. 9. Name of the new Medical programs (Modified Adjusted Gross Income).
  8. 12. This screen is where unearned income is stored in CRIS-E.
  9. 13. CRIS-E screen that has the Disabled Person’s disability information.
  10. 14. Food Assistance (FA) term for an individual 60+ years old
  11. 15. The “C” in ECP and SSC stands for this.
  12. 23. Initials for our eligibility computer system
  13. 24. Lists all the people on the case, but only the “active” clients.