- 2. altar comics ocean answer to marvels venom
- 4. the first superhero of altar comics
- 6. the half human half dinosaur superhero
- 9. altar comics answer to ghost rider
- 12. mega allans assistant
- 13. the arch nemesis of altar comics
- 14. mega warriors who serve and are loyal to sharkola
- 16. mega allans cybernetic dino sidekick
- 17. exheereias girl friend
- 21. the weapon of the mega warriors and smakal lords
- 1. the order sharkola did on the mega warriors almost wiping them out
- 3. the sith of altar comics
- 5. sharkolas boss
- 7. mega allan's gargoyle wife
- 8. the jedi of the altar comics universe
- 10. the mega warrior who used to be evil
- 11. mega allan and rachel lageruses daughter
- 15. mega allans secret identity
- 18. the creator of altar comics
- 19. a half human bat like superhero that brings doom
- 20. the wisest of the mega warriors